Vegas-S MIL-STD-1553 Data Diode
Part Number: NW-1553-DD-VS01-C
GSA Contract #: 47QSWA24D000V
Combining a simplistic design in right-sized packaging, the Vegas-S data diode provides hardened security for the MIL-STD-1553 data bus. Through one-directional data flow, Vegas-S acts as a physical firewall when integrated into the data bus. With no microcontroller or microprocessor utilized in the design, Vegas-S is a plug and play device that cannot be exploited by cyber-attacks. Protecting your system from untrusted bus monitors simplifies cyber assessment and authorization.
Export Classification
Operating Frequency
Max. Frequency
Min. Frequency
Output Power, Typ
RF Gain, Typ
Input Drive
RF Connector Options
IF Input Freq Range
RF Output Freq Range
IF Bandwidth
IF Rejection, Typ
Frequency Range
Noise Figure, Typ
Tuning Resolution
Bandwidth, Typ
Transmit Frequency
Receive Frequency
Frequency Range
Central Frequency (MHz)
Passband Frequency (MHz)
Lower Stopband Frequency (MHz)
Lower Stopband Rejection (dBc)
Upper Stopband Frequency
Upper Stopband Rejection
Power Handling (W)
Insertion Loss
Upper Stopband Frequency CH1
Center Frequency CH1
Lower Stopband Frequency CH1
Upper Stopband Frequency CH2
Center Frequency CH2
Lower Stopband Frequency CH2
Center Frequency
3 dB BW
20 dB BW
Insertion Loss
Export Classification
Frequency Range
Power Handling
Switch Time
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